Hi Chris,

Looks like this is already supported:

Just need to educate web developers to you use it.


From:  Chris Bentzel <cbent...@google.com>
Date:  Tuesday, October 7, 2014 at 8:07 AM
To:  Peter Lepeska <bizzbys...@gmail.com>, WHAT Working Group
<wha...@whatwg.org>, <public-web-p...@w3.org>
Subject:  Re: getting rid of anonymizing redirects

There's meta referrer on the document. Combining this with <a ping> or
Beacon for click tracking may remove many of the needs for redirects. Or do
you want something that is per-link rather than per-document?
On Tue Oct 07 2014 at 7:59:51 AM Peter Lepeska <bizzbys...@gmail.com> wrote:
> All,
> Some web site developers use redirects to strip out referrer headers from
> requests issued from users clicking links on their site. This causes a
> blocking round trip and so has a really big impact on web performance.
> Can we give developers an alternative to this technique that will not incur a
> performance penalty? For instance, can linkable elements support a
> ³no-referrer² attribute or something similar?
> Thanks,
> Peter

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