It is years since we have popup blockers. Still most intranet
application uses frequently.
Usually it is to easily code a closable window with close/min/max controls.

As a user, I wish we could encourage to stop the need for coding popup window.
Can HTML5 add "controls" attribute to iframe, something similar to
"video" tag "controls" attribute.

Or even better if we can specify what all controls to show/not show.
(ideally by default show all, and  explicitly code not show options)

<iframe src="some.html" controls="max:no, min:no, close:yes,
resize:yes, popout:yes, move:yes"> </iframe>

If an iframe have "controls" attribute it should be behave/displayed
like a MDI child window.

And have some methods like.; // display window with current url; // display window navigate to new url
iframeObject.close(); // hide window
iframeObject.resize(width, height);
iframeObject.move(x, y);


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