>> On 10 Nov 2014, at 15:23, Florian Rivoal <flor...@rivoal.net> wrote:
>> I suggest making this propagation of the :hover and :active state between 
>> label and labeled control bidirectional for both :hover and :active.

> On 10 Nov 2014, at 16:38, Boris Zbarsky <bzbar...@mit.edu> wrote:
> "The label", or "the labels"?
> The problem of "hover the control if the label is hovered" is simple: the 
> label already has a reference to the control it's labeling; when an element 
> enters hover state you at worst have to deal with one other element (plus 
> their ancestors) entering hover state.
> And even that gets a bit complicated given the "ancestors" thing.
> The backreference, however, is a one-to-many relationship, which makes things 
> quite complicated, or fairly slow, or both, when multiple labels label the 
> same form control.  So I would be a bit careful here.

> On 14 Nov 2014, at 21:34, Ryosuke Niwa <rn...@apple.com> wrote:
> I don’t find it compelling to natively support this behavior in the browser.

As selectors is a CSS topic as much as an HTML one, I brought this to the CSS 
working group (mailing list then telecon) for further discussion to see if its 
members thought this was worth pursuing or not before coming back here.

The group made a resolution agreeing that :hover and :active should be made to 
propagate bidirectionally between labels and labeled controls, as the behaviour 
was found useful, and the performance question not problematic.

Since you raised specific concerns about performance, Microsoft, who already 
implements this, went through their bug database to check: “there is not a 
single bug filed against IE regarding performance issues by tying the the label 
to the labeled control”.

I also made a test case with a silly amount of labels plus some nesting. I am 
running IE(10) in a VM, and there’s no noticeable delay. 

Out of people who explicitly gave opinions, Google (Tab Atkins), Microsoft 
(Greg Whitworth), and Fantasai were for it, while Mozilla (David Baron & Tantek 
Çelik) were fine with in. No one raised objections.

 - Florian

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