On 2015-03-31 20:55, Nils Dagsson Moskopp wrote:
Roger Hågensen <rh_wha...@skuldwyrm.no> writes:

I often open multiple tabs, and then I go through them one by one later.
If I end up opening 3-4 videos at the same time I have to stop the other
3 so I do not get a cacophony of 4 videos at once.
This is something that can be fixed by the UA: For Mozilla browsers, you
can go to about:config and set media.autoplay.enabled to “false”. Also,
the NoScript browser extension can make media click-to-play by default.

I hardly think a lot of users want to follow directions like that.
As a programmer/content designer it would make more sense to do so using either attributes or javascript instead of bothering the user.

Roger Hågensen, Freelancer, http://skuldwyrm.no/

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