Mr. Hickson, please let me know if further details are needed, or otherwise if change proposal will be accepted, at least partially. The more those properties remain there, the more authors can read them and use them incorrectly IMHO. Yours respectfully, Andrea
2015-03-26 18:19 GMT+01:00 Andrea Rendine <>: > A note about properties. > According to the spec, the properties marked in my mail can be used as > DC-prefixed, though in the wild the DCTERMS prefix is largely preferred. If > these properties were to be used, it should be specified that the correct > namespace declaration is *not* <link rel="schema.dc" href=" >">, but something like <link > rel="schema.dc" href="">. DC prefix is used with > both namespaces for legacy compatibility, but the prevalence of DCTERMS > over DC is about 100 to 1. > All this does not apply to, which simply does not exist > (the correct property name is dc.issued). > You can find all sources for those properties at > > Cheers, > Andrea Rendine >