David Young wrote:

 > I'm wondering if anyone is developing web standards and prototypes
 > for web layout using the Knuth and Plass algorithm?  It seems
 > like responsive designs could be expressed more simply in a
 > boxes-glue-penalties frame, and responsive layout for JavaScript, CSS,
 > and other things that you put in <pre>, now, would be tractable with the
 > right HTML/CSS primitives.  If you have something like this underway,
 > please get in touch.

Prince implements the Knuth/Plass algorithm for breaking paragraphs
into lines:


For line-breaking, I believe implemtors are looking beyond Knuth/Plass
to optimize on a per-page/per-spread, or even per-document basis.
Knuth/Plass only looks at a paragraph.

However, it seems you're not primarily thinking of line-breaking, but
box stacking on a more general basis?

              Håkon Wium Lie                          CTO °þe®ª
howc...@opera.com                  http://people.opera.com/howcome

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