
Let's see.

Le 8 avr. 2015 à 21:59, Kyle Simpson <> a écrit :
> as soon as a bug is around long enough and in enough browsers and enough 
> people are working around that bug, it becomes a permanent "feature" of the 
> web.

Yes this is a feature. It's part of the platform, even if not perfect, but you 
already know that.

> The point is not whether this clipboard API has bugs or that canvas API 
> doesn't or whatever.

The initial point you made was "please add an api to say it's buggy". What I 
understood. Let's find your own words:

    Can we add something like a "feature test API" 
    (whatever it's called) where certain "hard" 
    cases can be exposed as tests in some way?

I still think it's a mistake, because of the Web Compat horrors I see be UA 
sniffing or other things. But maybe I entirely misunderstood what you were 
saying because the point you seem to be making seems slightly different:

> The point I'm making is there will always be features the browsers implement 
> that won't have a nice clean API namespace or property to check for.

If an implemented feature is not __currently__ testable, maybe we should just 
make it testable to a level of granularity which is useful for Web devs, based 
on what we see in the wild.

Example testing if a range of unicode characters is displayable:
Basically right now the current technique is to use canvas for rendering the 

Here I would love to have a:

       true or false

(or whatever makes sense)

The risk I see with the initial proposal is that we had another level of 
complexity instead of just making it testable. 

I may have missed what you wanted. 

Karl Dubost 🐄

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