
Philosophically speaking, it's probably a western thing - we're all obsessed with growth ~ https://twitter.com/ldexterldesign/status/494915879176777729


On 18/05/2015 18:57, Jens Oliver Meiert wrote:
A few concerns about the growth of HTML &c.:

Personally I’ve been concerned about this for some time—from my view
common HTML and CSS code gets worse by the hour, with problems
typically being addressed by what caused them in the first place: new
features. (This is a generalization, but you get my drift.)

However, this is solely meant to keep the topic alive.

(Also shared with two other groups, posted separately to honor group

Jens Oliver Meiert

ldexterldesign ldexterldesign <http://www.ldexterldesign.co.uk/>
Lewis Dexter Litanzios
User Experience Designer
+44 7504 907 304

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