> A very common abuse is that when pulling the mouse to hit the back
> button because you are not interested in a page, a hover comes up and
> when the hover comes up, the back button no longer works.

Does 'hover' refer to modal dialog e.g., window.alert?
That is the only way I know that you can block a user to click back button.
Here is a simple page that does this: http://jsbin.com/fuwosaxefa

That behavior is a side-effect of how a browser may decide to implement
modal dialog which is dependent also on the OS. I tested a few browsers on
Linux & Mac and this is what I found:

Firefox, Chrome, Safari: Navigation buttons are usable while modal dialog
is shown.
Chrome: Navigation buttons are block while modal dialog is shown.
Firefox: Navigation buttons remain usable.

Perhaps this is worth a non-normative note in the spec in "user-prompt"
section [1]

[1] https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/webappapis.html#user-prompts


On Thu, Apr 14, 2016 at 4:38 AM Delfi Ramirez <del...@segonquart.net> wrote:

> Agree.
> May it be done within the History API spec?
> Just wondering.
> ---
> Delfi Ramirez
> My digital signature [1]
> +34 633 589231
>  del...@segonquart.net [2]
> twitter: delfinramirez
>  IRC: segonquart Skype: segonquart [3]
> http://segonquart.net
> http://delfiramirez.info
>  [4]
> On 2016-04-13 21:44, Michael A. Peters wrote:
> > It needs to be made very clear as a web standard that no JavaScript
> action can disable UI functions such as the back button.
> >
> > A very common abuse is that when pulling the mouse to hit the back
> button because you are not interested in a page, a hover comes up and when
> the hover comes up, the back button no longer works.
> >
> > This is a browser UI issue but it needs to specified that browsers must
> not disable the back button in response to JavaScript. The web is enough of
> a cesspool as it is.
> Links:
> ------
> [1] http://delfiramirez.info/public/dr_public_key.asc
> [2] mail:%20del...@segonquart.net
> [3] skype:segonquart
> [4] http://delfiramirez.info

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