On 2017-04-15 14:00, Delfi Ramirez wrote:
Some information that may be of use, concerning to the WPI rules for
royalties et al in <audio> files.
I have no idea what/who WPI is.
But StreamLicensing.com (which has a deal with
Only require artist and title, and that artist and title is viewable by
the listener.
One of the PROs (Performance Royalty Organization) did want album but
waived that requirement.
Meta elements required
* Title : 100%
* Artist ( Interpreter): 12%
* Time: lenght of the <audio> piece. Royalties are assigned by time
* Year: (_Objective Reason: It use to happen that some__ <audio> files
have the same name, thus causing a mistake in the attribution to the
artist as it happen in the past_)
* Composer: 20%
* Arrangements: 20%
* Producer: 40%
Artist and title is always required. But I assume that by title you the
field itself as in it being "Some Artist - Some Song" where
spacedashspace (" - ") is a separator for artist and title.
As to length, any listened time longer than 30 seconds is counted, and I
forge the max time.
You also forgot about mentioning ISRC which is a globally unique
identifier for tracks, radio stations may use ISRC when sending in
performance logs.
I'm not sure a end listener would need all this meta data though, such
info should be logged separately by the radio station or by the
streaming server itself.
The listener would only be interested in (minimum) artist and title,
album, year and artwork being a bonus. And lyrics being a nice surprise.
Although I'd argue that artist and title (+ album and year) could be
used to fetch artwork and lyrics using XHR upon user interaction instead.
I'm not going to comment further on the royalty stuff as this is weering
quite off-topic now.
Roger Hågensen,
Freelancer, Norway.