Was just informed that using aria-hidden solves the problem of content being there that shouldn't be seen in a screen reader until agreed, so that issue has a solution too.

I guess none of this really is meaningful to this list - sorry for the noise.

On 11/12/2017 04:18 AM, Michael A. Peters wrote:
Yes but since I always have the div first in HTML the user is likely to
always be aware of it, so skipping it in a screen reader is really
little different than just pressing the agree button - they have been
informed of the type of content.

On 11/12/2017 04:09 AM, Johannes Spangenberg wrote:
There is another problem with Modals on webpages. When there is a modal
created through HTML and CSS, the user can still select items in the
background by pressing tab. It seems that there is no good solution to
prevent it.

Am 12.11.2017 um 09:59 schrieb Michael A. Peters:
Thank you! That does seem like it is exactly what I need.

On 11/12/2017 12:11 AM, Yay295 wrote:
I think the alertdialog role fits here.

On Sun, Nov 12, 2017 at 1:03 AM, Michael A. Peters

On webites that either are age restricted and/or have content that
may be
offensive to some people, often (but not as often as I'd like) there
is a
warning splashscreen that the server puts in the page if the user
has not
already agreed to see such content.

One way to do this is with a div that has absolute positioning and a
z-index that covers the content until the user clicks enter or
then it does an ajax call to lett the server the user has verified
want to see the content and removes the div.

I would suggest a tagName "splashscreen" for this purpose. It would
the same properties as a div only it would have semantic meaning so
people using screen readers would know it is important.

An aria landmark of splashscreen would also properly distinguish it
complementary which is what I currently use for it (I would use
banner but
only one banner landmark per page is allowed).

Just a thought, I won't defend the thought but if it seems
reasonable to
the powers that be, I think it is worth it.

These splash screens do serve a different purpose than any other

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