You’re probably aware there are libraries that offer functionality of this sort (debounce and throttle in underscore/lodash is the one I’m most familiar with) and the web community seems content to add a small dependency when such functionality is required. How would you convince browser vendors to implement this? On Mon, Nov 27, 2017 at 18:05 Sylon Zero <> wrote:
> *Core Problem Statement* Processor functions that subscribe to events via a > topic string may need to be prioritized for processing based on the topic > itself. Conversely, certain events may be more numerous but should not > limit the ability of the JS environment to respond and process other > events, that may be more critical to either the User Experience (UX) or > integrity of the system (e.g. events that trigger saving data to a > back-end). > > *Background Information* As Browser/CommonJS environments bring paradigms > like UI event handling and back-end event handling into the same problem > space, it is useful to apply common patterns used in Message-based > Publish-Subscribe environments with message brokers, which is what the JS > execution context often behaves as. The use case here is to ensure that one > kind of event (e.g. event listeners for a ‘mouseMove’ event) don’t saturate > or delay execution of other events (e.g. ‘dataAvailableForAutosave’) due to > massive differences in event volume or conversely, expensive operations > that block the execution thread in question. > > *Proposed Solution* Add metering options to the addEventListener > *Options* configuration > object. These options control how the JS execution environment controls the > throttling/firing of event handler instances in response to events that > match the topic string of the subscription created by addEventListener. > > Proposed options: > > - maxInstances [Number / Function] used to decide how many event > listeners can be invoked before throttling occurs. Throttling does not > lose > events but simply queues them. > - throttlingQueueLength [Number] used to maintain an in-memory queue of > un-processed events per Topic string, after throttling kicks in. > - throttlingQueuePolicy [String] Values could be exception - throws an > exception when the queue length is exceeded, rolling - drops the oldest > events and pushes newer ones into the queue, expand- allow the queue to > expand to cover all events. > > *Additional Options* It might be even more useful if the options allowed > targeting or creation of Web Workers (or Node child processes, depending on > the execution context) based on the event handler configuration. This could > potentially target CPU cores and/or O/S child processes / threads > (depending on the O/S terminology for parallel execution). > > *Related Thread* The proposal identified in the link below (by Šime > Vidas) could > be part of this solution as it defines other metering options around > debounce (which improves scale around event handling, which is in the same > problem space) and handling throttling through frequency, which should be > one of the alternatives in addition to my proposal above (as I believe they > are orthogonal): > g-and-debouncing-to-addeventlisteneroptions/2436/19 > > Sai Prakash > @SylonZero >