Oh, nevermind. I figured it out. It should be

whirr.image-id = <zone>/<id>

On Mon, Jun 6, 2011 at 2:48 PM, Khanh Nguyen <nguyen.h.kh...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I add another line to my cassandra.properties
> whirr.image-id=<id>
> with <id> being several AMIs from http://cloud.ubuntu.ami/ but I
> always got an exception
> ..., 
> description=099720109477/ebs/ubuntu-images/ubuntu-lucid-10.04-i386-server-20100923],
> description=099720109477/ebs/ubuntu-images/ubuntu-lucid-10.04-i386-server-20100923,
> version=20100923, location=[id=us-east-1, scope=REGION,
> description=us-east-1, parent=aws-ec2, iso3166Codes=[US-VA],
> metadata={}], loginUser=ubuntu, userMetadata={owner=099720109477,
> rootDeviceType=ebs}]]
>        at 
> org.jclouds.compute.domain.internal.TemplateBuilderImpl.build(TemplateBuilderImpl.java:551)
>        at 
> org.apache.whirr.cluster.actions.BootstrapClusterAction.buildTemplate(BootstrapClusterAction.java:167)
>        at 
> org.apache.whirr.cluster.actions.BootstrapClusterAction.doAction(BootstrapClusterAction.java:117)
>        at 
> org.apache.whirr.cluster.actions.ScriptBasedClusterAction.execute(ScriptBasedClusterAction.java:74)
>        at org.apache.whirr.service.Service.launchCluster(Service.java:76)
>        at 
> org.apache.whirr.cli.command.LaunchClusterCommand.run(LaunchClusterCommand.java:61)
>        at org.apache.whirr.cli.Main.run(Main.java:67)
>        at org.apache.whirr.cli.Main.main(Main.java:104)
> What am I missing? Thanks.
> -k
> On Mon, Jun 6, 2011 at 2:20 AM, Andrei Savu <savu.and...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> To avoid that you just need to use a different AMI. Try the ones
>> packaged by Canonical:
>> http://cloud.ubuntu.com/ami/
>> I guess we should improve the automatic defaults to avoid using images
>> with EBS persistence. I will open an issue for that.
>> Cheers,
>> -- Andrei
>> On Mon, Jun 6, 2011 at 7:14 AM, Khanh Nguyen <nguyen.h.kh...@gmail.com> 
>> wrote:
>>> I see..
>>> What if I only need to resume the cluster and don't worry about any
>>> data? Each time I use whirr to set up a new clusters, new EBS volumes
>>> are also created and I got charged for the volumes at full month rate
>>> even though I only use them for a few hours.Thanks.
>>> -k
>>> On Sun, Jun 5, 2011 at 5:43 PM, Andrei Savu <savu.and...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> There is no easy way to suspend a cluster started with Whirr without
>>>> loosing all the data stored on the nodes. You need a custom tool to
>>>> export and save data on shutdown (maybe to S3) and load it back when
>>>> you start the cluster again.
>>>> We are tracking progress on this issue here:
>>>> https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/WHIRR-309
>>>> Cheers,
>>>> -- Andrei Savu / andreisavu.ro
>>>> On Mon, Jun 6, 2011 at 12:34 AM, Khanh Nguyen <nguyen.h.kh...@gmail.com> 
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Hi,
>>>>> I followed the instructions here
>>>>> http://nubetech.co/setting-up-cassandra-clusters-in-the-cloud-with-whirr
>>>>> to set up an ec2 cluster on AWS. Everything works great until I stop
>>>>> my instances (to save money) and restart them because the instances
>>>>> get new IPs. What changes do I need to make in order to get my
>>>>> cassandra cluster up and running again? Thanks.
>>>>> Regards,
>>>>> -k

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