Adrian is this related to jclouds? Is there a built-in timeout when
starting nodes?

On Wednesday, July 13, 2011, Bruno Dumon <> wrote:
> Hi,
> Having started repeatedly some mini clusters on EC2 today, I ran several 
> times into the following problem.
> The install phase of Whirr takes quite some time to download all the stuff 
> (java, zookeeper, hadoop, hbase), often going over 10 minutes in time. I 
> noticed that after 10 minutes, if the install phase script has not finished 
> yet, Whirr happily prints "Script run completed" and goes on with the 
> configure phase (I noticed the same thing yesterday when adding the blocking 
> wait-for-namenode thing before starting HBase services).
> The processes on the servers clearly show that the script from the install 
> phase is still running then. The configure scripts fail quickly because some 
> of the software is not yet available.
> I know there's a curl timeout of 10 minutes, but this is unrelated. Sometimes 
> after 10 minutes it was still doing the apt-get of java.
> Does this ring a bell to someone?
> --
> Bruno Dumon
> Outerthought

-- Andrei Savu /

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