Hello! This is the prototype for prove tool (why3prove analog) based on
strategies with session handling.

Differences between why3prove and why3sprove:
1. Sprove works with existing sessions
2. Sprove creates session if it's not exists
3. Sprove saves its results to the session
4. Sprove supports strategies

Motivation: sprove automatically proves most of the vc's with an
appropriate strategy without requiring manual interaction with the ide.
This allows, for example, to use frama-c (jessie plugin) with why3 in
cli mode.

This patch is developed as a part of the AstraVer
(http://linuxtesting.org/astraver) project.

Usage: why3 sprove [options] -S <strategy> [file|-]
  -C <file>                read configuration from <file>
  --config                 same as -C
  --extra-config <file>    read additional configuration from <file>
  -L <dir>                 add <dir> to the library search path
  --library                same as -L
  --debug <flag>           set a debug flag
  --debug-all              set all debug flags that do not change Why3
  --list-debug-flags       list known debug flags
  -S <strategy>            use strategy to prove goals.
By default, the strategy will be scheduled on all goals.
You can limit scheduling with select and filter options.
Select and filter can't be applied on the same level simultaneously.
  --strategy               same as -S
  --clean                  remove failed proof attempts before exit
  --file-filter <string>   don't run strategy on files with id string
(case insensitive)
  --theory-filter <string> don't run strategy on theories with id string
(case insensitive)
  --goal-filter <string>   don't run strategy on goals with id string
(case insensitive)
  --file-select <string>   run strategy on files with id string (case
  --theory-select <string> run strategy on theories with id string (case
  --goal-select <string>   run strategy on goals with id string (case
  --extra-expl-prefix <s>  register s as an additional prefix for VC
  -h                       print this list of options
  --help                   same as -h

Usage example:
$ cd examples/
$ rm -fr swap
$ why3 sprove --strategy "Auto level 1" swap.mlw
[SPROVE] found regular file 'swap.mlw'
[SPROVE] using 'swap' as directory for the project
[SPROVE session] Opening session...

[SPROVE session] Opening session: update done

[SPROVE session] Opening session: done
[SPROVE] Strategy 'Auto level 1' loaded.
[SPROVE] Strategy 'Compute' loaded.
[SPROVE] Strategy 'Inline' loaded.
[SPROVE] Strategy 'Inline all' loaded.
[SPROVE] Strategy 'Intro premises' loaded.
[SPROVE] Strategy 'Split' loaded.
[SPROVE] Strategy 'proof_juicer' loaded.
[SPROVE session] Adding file '../swap.mlw'
[SPROVE] adding file ../swap.mlw in database
File 'swap.mlw' verified: false
sheduling strategy on goal: WP_parameter swap (1. VC for swap)
sheduling strategy on goal: WP_parameter swap (1. VC for swap)
sheduling strategy on goal: WP_parameter swap_ref (2. VC for swap_ref)
Proof with 'Z3 4.5.0' gives Valid 0.05 [1.0]
Goal 'WP_parameter swap_ref' proved: true
Proof with 'Z3 4.5.0' gives Valid 0.05 [1.0]
Goal 'WP_parameter swap' proved: true
Theory 'SwapInt32' verified: true
Proof with 'Z3 4.5.0' gives Valid 0.03 [1.0]
Goal 'WP_parameter swap' proved: true
Theory 'Swap' verified: true
File 'swap.mlw' verified: true

Saving session... done
 3/3 %

Integration with Frama-C (AstraVer version of Jessie plugin):
$ frama-c -jessie -jessie-target why3ml -jessie-why3-opt "sprove -S
proof_juicer --clean --theory-filter axiom" swap.c

Patch on github:

>From fe8161a99073af7bf38531bca6f882a1b230a171 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Denis Efremov <efre...@ispras.ru>
Date: Tue, 8 Aug 2017 17:03:03 +0300
Subject: [PATCH] tools: sprove prototype

 .gitignore              |   3 +
 Makefile.in             |   5 +-
 src/tools/why3sprove.ml | 435 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 3 files changed, 442 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
 create mode 100644 src/tools/why3sprove.ml

diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index 7984f4c36..ece8c23a5 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -82,6 +82,9 @@ debug
diff --git a/Makefile.in b/Makefile.in
index 707ee68b6..f1c862bef 100644
--- a/Makefile.in
+++ b/Makefile.in
@@ -498,7 +498,7 @@ install_no_local::
 TOOLSGENERATED = src/tools/why3wc.ml
 TOOLS_BIN = why3config why3execute why3extract why3prove \
-	    why3realize why3replay why3wc
+	    why3realize why3replay why3sprove why3wc
@@ -530,6 +530,8 @@ bin/why3realize.opt: lib/why3/why3.cmxa src/tools/why3realize.cmx
 bin/why3realize.byte: lib/why3/why3.cma src/tools/why3realize.cmo
 bin/why3replay.opt: lib/why3/why3.cmxa src/tools/why3replay.cmx
 bin/why3replay.byte: lib/why3/why3.cma src/tools/why3replay.cmo
+bin/why3sprove.opt: lib/why3/why3.cmxa src/tools/why3sprove.cmx
+bin/why3sprove.byte: lib/why3/why3.cma src/tools/why3sprove.cmo
 bin/why3wc.opt: src/tools/why3wc.cmx
 bin/why3wc.byte: src/tools/why3wc.cmo
@@ -545,6 +547,7 @@ install_no_local::
 	$(INSTALL) bin/why3prove.@OCAMLBEST@   $(TOOLDIR)/why3prove$(EXE)
 	$(INSTALL) bin/why3realize.@OCAMLBEST@ $(TOOLDIR)/why3realize$(EXE)
 	$(INSTALL) bin/why3replay.@OCAMLBEST@  $(TOOLDIR)/why3replay$(EXE)
+	$(INSTALL) bin/why3sprove.@OCAMLBEST@  $(TOOLDIR)/why3sprove$(EXE)
 	$(INSTALL) bin/why3wc.@OCAMLBEST@      $(TOOLDIR)/why3wc$(EXE)
 install_local:: bin/why3 $(addprefix bin/,$(TOOLS_BIN))
diff --git a/src/tools/why3sprove.ml b/src/tools/why3sprove.ml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9d83f2241
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/tools/why3sprove.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,435 @@
+(*                                                                  *)
+(*  The Why3 Verification Platform   /   The Why3 Development Team  *)
+(*  Copyright 2010-2017   --   INRIA - CNRS - Paris-Sud University  *)
+(*                                                                  *)
+(*  This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU Lesser  *)
+(*  General Public License version 2.1, with the special exception  *)
+(*  on linking described in file LICENSE.                           *)
+(*                                                                  *)
+open Format
+open Why3
+open Stdlib
+open Whyconf
+let usage_msg = sprintf
+  "Usage: %s [options] -S <strategy> [file|-]"
+  (Filename.basename Sys.argv.(0))
+let debug = Debug.register_info_flag
+    ~desc:"of@ the@ progression@ of@ a@ strategy@ status@"
+    "sprove"
+let () = Debug.set_flag debug
+let opt_strategy        = ref None
+let opt_clean           = ref false
+let opt_file_filter     = ref []
+let opt_theory_filter   = ref []
+let opt_goal_filter     = ref []
+let opt_file_select     = ref []
+let opt_theory_select   = ref []
+let opt_goal_select     = ref []
+let files = Queue.create ()
+let option_list = [
+  ("-S",
+   Arg.String (fun s -> opt_strategy := Some s),
+   "<strategy> use strategy to prove goals. By default, the strategy will be scheduled on all goals. You can limit scheduling with select and filter options. Select and filter can't be applied on the same level simultaneously.");
+  ("--strategy",
+   Arg.String (fun s -> opt_strategy := Some s),
+   " same as -S");
+  ("--clean",
+   Arg.Set opt_clean,
+   " remove failed proof attempts before exit");
+  ("--file-filter",
+   Arg.String (fun s -> opt_file_filter := s :: !opt_file_filter),
+   "<string> don't run strategy on files with id string (case insensitive)");
+  ("--theory-filter",
+   Arg.String (fun s -> opt_theory_filter := s :: !opt_theory_filter),
+   "<string> don't run strategy on theories with id string (case insensitive)");
+  ("--goal-filter",
+   Arg.String (fun s -> opt_goal_filter := s :: !opt_goal_filter),
+   "<string> don't run strategy on goals with id string (case insensitive)");
+  ("--file-select",
+   Arg.String (fun s -> opt_file_select := s :: !opt_file_select),
+   "<string> run strategy on files with id string (case insensitive)");
+  ("--theory-select",
+   Arg.String (fun s -> opt_theory_select := s :: !opt_theory_select),
+   "<string> run strategy on theories with id string (case insensitive)");
+  ("--goal-select",
+   Arg.String (fun s -> opt_goal_select := s :: !opt_goal_select),
+   "<string> run strategy on goals with id string (case insensitive)");
+  Termcode.arg_extra_expl_prefix; ]
+let config, base_config, env =
+  Whyconf.Args.initialize option_list (fun f -> Queue.add f files) usage_msg
+let () =
+  if (!opt_file_filter != [] && !opt_file_select != []) ||
+     (!opt_theory_filter != [] && !opt_theory_select != []) ||
+     (!opt_goal_filter != [] && !opt_goal_select != []) ||
+     Queue.is_empty files
+  then Whyconf.Args.exit_with_usage option_list usage_msg
+let project_dir =
+  let fname = Queue.pop files in
+  (* The remaining files in [files] are going to be open *)
+  if Sys.file_exists fname then
+    begin
+      if Sys.is_directory fname then
+        begin
+          Debug.dprintf debug
+            "[SPROVE] found directory '%s' for the project@." fname;
+          fname
+        end
+      else
+        if Queue.is_empty files then (* that was the only file *) begin
+          Debug.dprintf debug "[SPROVE] found regular file '%s'@." fname;
+          let d =
+            try Filename.chop_extension fname
+            with Invalid_argument _ -> fname
+          in
+          Debug.dprintf debug
+            "[SPROVE] using '%s' as directory for the project@." d;
+          Queue.push fname files; (* we need to open [fname] *)
+          d
+        end
+        else begin
+          (* The first argument is not a directory and it's not the
+              only file *)
+          Format.eprintf
+            "[Error] @[When@ more@ than@ one@ file@ is@ given@ on@ the@ \
+             command@ line@ the@ first@ one@ must@ be@ the@ directory@ \
+             of@ the@ session.@]@.";
+          Arg.usage option_list usage_msg; exit 1
+        end
+    end
+  else
+    fname
+module S = Session
+let load_strategies env config =
+  Mstr.fold_left
+    (fun acc _ st ->
+      let name = st.Whyconf.strategy_name in
+      try
+        let code = Strategy_parser.parse env (st.Whyconf.strategy_code) in
+        Format.eprintf "[SPROVE] Strategy '%s' loaded.@." name;
+        (name, code) :: acc
+      with Strategy_parser.SyntaxError msg ->
+        Format.eprintf "Warning Loading strategy '%s' failed: %s@." name msg;
+        acc)
+    []
+    (Whyconf.get_strategies config)
+let file_filter_regexp   = List.map (fun s -> Str.regexp_string_case_fold s ) !opt_file_filter
+let theory_filter_regexp = List.map (fun s -> Str.regexp_string_case_fold s ) !opt_theory_filter
+let goal_filter_regexp   = List.map (fun s -> Str.regexp_string_case_fold s ) !opt_goal_filter
+let file_select_regexp   = List.map (fun s -> Str.regexp_string_case_fold s ) !opt_file_select
+let theory_select_regexp = List.map (fun s -> Str.regexp_string_case_fold s ) !opt_theory_select
+let goal_select_regexp   = List.map (fun s -> Str.regexp_string_case_fold s ) !opt_goal_select
+let filter_allow invert filter_regexp s =
+  let check re =
+    try ignore (Str.search_forward re s 0); true
+    with Not_found -> false
+  in
+  List.for_all (fun r -> invert (check r)) filter_regexp
+let file_allow, theory_allow, goal_allow =
+  let choose_filter = (function
+    | ([], []) -> (fun _ -> true)
+    | (fl, []) -> filter_allow not fl
+    | ([], sl) -> filter_allow (fun x -> x) sl
+    | _        -> assert false) in
+  choose_filter (file_filter_regexp,   file_select_regexp),
+  choose_filter (theory_filter_regexp, theory_select_regexp),
+  choose_filter (goal_filter_regexp,   goal_select_regexp)
+let session_all_subgoals session =
+  let res = ref [] in
+  S.iter_session
+    (fun f ->
+       if file_allow (Filename.basename f.S.file_name)
+       then
+         S.iter_file
+           (fun t ->
+             if theory_allow t.S.theory_name.Ident.id_string
+             then
+               res := S.fold_all_sub_goals_of_theory (fun acc a ->
+                   let goal_name = (S.goal_name a).Ident.id_string in
+                   if goal_allow goal_name
+                   then
+                     begin
+                       printf "sheduling strategy on goal: %s (%s)@." goal_name (S.goal_user_name a);
+                       List.cons (S.Goal a) acc
+                     end
+                   else
+                     acc
+                 ) !res t) f) session;
+  !res
+let prover_answer_tostr a = match a with
+  | Call_provers.Valid             -> "Valid"
+  | Call_provers.Invalid           -> "Invalid"
+  | Call_provers.Timeout           -> "Timeout"
+  | Call_provers.OutOfMemory       -> "OutOfMemory"
+  | Call_provers.StepLimitExceeded -> "StepLimitExceeded"
+  | Call_provers.Unknown _         -> "Unknown"
+  | Call_provers.Failure _         -> "Failure"
+  | Call_provers.HighFailure       -> "HighFailure"
+let print_proof_state a = match a.S.proof_state with
+  | S.Done { Call_provers.pr_time = time; Call_provers.pr_steps = steps; Call_provers.pr_answer = answer; } ->
+     let s =
+       Format.sprintf "%s %.2f [%d.0]" (prover_answer_tostr answer) time
+         (a.S.proof_limit.Call_provers.limit_time)
+     in
+     if steps >= 0 then
+       Format.sprintf "%s (steps: %d)" s steps
+     else
+       s
+  | S.Unedited              -> "(not yet edited)"
+  | S.JustEdited            -> "(edited)"
+  | S.InternalFailure _     -> "(internal failure)"
+  | S.Interrupted           -> "(interrupted)"
+  | S.Scheduled | S.Running ->
+      Format.sprintf "sheduled/running with [limit=%d sec., %d M]"
+        (a.S.proof_limit.Call_provers.limit_time)
+        (a.S.proof_limit.Call_provers.limit_mem)
+let report = ref (fun () -> (assert false : unit))
+module O = struct
+  type key = int
+  let create ?parent () =
+    match parent with
+    | None -> 0
+    | Some n -> n+1
+  let remove _row = ()
+  let reset () = ()
+  let init = fun _row _any -> ()
+  let notify i = match i with
+    | S.Goal g ->
+        printf "Goal '%s' proved: %b@." (S.goal_name g).Ident.id_string (Opt.inhabited (S.goal_verified g))
+    | S.Theory th ->
+        printf "Theory '%s' verified: %b@." th.S.theory_name.Ident.id_string (Opt.inhabited th.S.theory_verified)
+    | S.File file ->
+        printf "File '%s' verified: %b@." (Filename.basename file.S.file_name)
+          (Opt.inhabited file.S.file_verified)
+    | S.Proof_attempt a ->
+        let p = a.S.proof_prover in
+        if a.S.proof_state <> S.Scheduled && a.S.proof_state <> S.Running
+        then
+          printf "Proof with '%s %s' gives %s@."
+            p.prover_name p.prover_version
+            (print_proof_state a)
+    | S.Transf tr ->
+        printf "Transformation '%s' proved: %b@."
+          tr.S.transf_name (Opt.inhabited tr.S.transf_verified)
+    | S.Metas m ->
+        printf "Metas proved: %b@."
+          (Opt.inhabited m.S.metas_verified)
+  let uninstalled_prover _eS unknown =
+    try
+      Whyconf.get_prover_upgrade_policy config unknown
+    with Not_found -> Whyconf.CPU_keep
+  module Scheduler = Session_scheduler.Base_scheduler(struct end)
+  include Scheduler
+  let notify_timer_state tw spt rpt =
+    if tw = 0 && spt = 0 && rpt = 0
+    then
+      begin
+        !report ();
+        exit 0
+      end
+module M = Session_scheduler.Make(O)
+let clean session =
+  let rec handle_any a =
+    let any_success = ref false in
+    let update r = if r then any_success := true in
+    let unless_successful f ~perform =
+      any_success := false;
+      f ();
+      if not @@ !any_success then perform ();
+      !any_success
+    in
+    let rec_ a = update @@ handle_any a in
+    let rec_pa pa = rec_ @@ S.Proof_attempt pa in
+    let rec_tr tr = rec_ @@ S.Transf tr in
+    let rec_me me = rec_ @@ S.Metas me in
+    let rec_gl gl = rec_ @@ S.Goal gl in
+    let rec_th th = rec_ @@ S.Theory th in
+    match a with
+    | S.Goal g when S.goal_verified g = None ->
+      unless_successful (fun () -> S.iter_goal rec_pa rec_tr rec_me g) ~perform:(ignore)
+    | S.Theory th when th.S.theory_verified = None ->
+      unless_successful (fun () -> S.iter_theory rec_gl th) ~perform:(ignore)
+    | S.File f when f.S.file_verified = None ->
+      unless_successful (fun () -> S.iter_file rec_th f) ~perform:(ignore)
+    | S.Proof_attempt pa ->
+      let maybe_success =
+        match[@warning "-33"] pa.S.proof_state with
+        | S.Interrupted -> false
+        | S.InternalFailure _ -> false
+        | S.Done Call_provers.{ pr_answer = Valid | Invalid } -> true
+        | S.Done _ -> false
+        | _ -> true
+      in
+      if not maybe_success then M.remove_proof_attempt pa;
+      maybe_success
+    | S.Transf tr when tr.S.transf_verified = None ->
+      unless_successful (fun () -> S.iter_transf rec_gl tr) ~perform:(fun () -> M.remove_transformation tr)
+    | S.Metas m when m.S.metas_verified = None ->
+      unless_successful (fun () -> S.iter_metas rec_gl m) ~perform:(fun () -> M.remove_metas m)
+    | _ -> true
+  in
+  S.iter_session
+    (fun r ->
+       let any = S.File r in
+       M.clean any;
+       ignore @@ handle_any any)
+  session
+let goal_statistics (goals,n,m) g =
+  if Opt.inhabited (S.goal_verified g) then (goals,n+1,m+1) else (g::goals,n,m+1)
+let theory_statistics (ths,n,m) th =
+  let goals,n1,m1 =
+    List.fold_left goal_statistics ([],0,0) th.S.theory_goals in
+  ((th,goals,n1,m1)::ths,n+n1,m+m1)
+let file_statistics _ f (files,n,m) =
+  let ths,n1,m1 =
+    List.fold_left theory_statistics ([],0,0) f.S.file_theories in
+  ((f,ths,n1,m1)::files,n+n1,m+m1)
+let print_statistics files =
+  let print_goal g =
+      printf "         +--goal %s not proved@." (S.goal_name g).Ident.id_string
+  in
+  let print_theory (th,goals,n,m) =
+    if n<m then begin
+      printf "      +--theory %s: %d/%d@."
+        th.S.theory_name.Ident.id_string n m;
+      List.iter print_goal (List.rev goals)
+    end
+  in
+  let print_file (f,ths,n,m) =
+    if n<m then begin
+      printf "   +--file %s: %d/%d@." f.S.file_name n m;
+      List.iter print_theory (List.rev ths)
+    end
+  in
+  List.iter print_file (List.rev files)
+let register_report env_session = report := (fun () ->
+    let session = env_session.S.session in
+    if !opt_clean
+    then
+      clean session;
+    Debug.dprintf debug "@.";
+    let files,n,m =
+      S.PHstr.fold file_statistics
+        session.S.session_files ([],0,0)
+    in
+    printf " %d/%d " n m;
+    if n<m then print_statistics files;
+    Debug.dprintf debug "Saving session...@?";
+    S.save_session config session;
+    Debug.dprintf debug " done@.";
+  )
+let open_file env_session f =
+  let f = Sysutil.relativize_filename project_dir f in
+  Debug.dprintf debug "[SPROVE session] Adding file '%s'@." f;
+  if S.PHstr.mem (env_session).S.session.S.session_files f then
+    Debug.dprintf debug "[SPROVE] file %s already in database@." f
+  else
+    try
+      Debug.dprintf debug "[SPROVE] adding file %s in database@." f;
+      ignore (M.add_file env_session f)
+    with e ->
+      eprintf "@[Error while reading file@ '%s':@ %a@]@." f
+        Exn_printer.exn_printer e;
+      exit 1
+let () =
+  if not (Sys.file_exists project_dir) then
+    begin
+      Debug.dprintf debug "[SPROVE] '%s' does not exist. \
+        Creating directory of that name for the project@." project_dir;
+      Unix.mkdir project_dir 0o777
+    end
+let sched, env_session =
+  try
+    Debug.dprintf debug "@[<hov 2>[SPROVE session] Opening session...@\n";
+    let session,use_shapes =
+      if Sys.file_exists project_dir then
+        S.read_session project_dir
+      else
+        S.create_session project_dir, false
+    in
+    let env_session,(_:bool),(_:bool) =
+      M.update_session ~allow_obsolete:true ~release:false ~use_shapes
+        session env config
+    in
+    Debug.dprintf debug "@]@\n[SPROVE session] Opening session: update done@.  @[<hov 2>";
+    let sched = M.init (Whyconf.running_provers_max (Whyconf.get_main config))
+    in
+    Debug.dprintf debug "@]@\n[SPROVE session] Opening session: done@.";
+    sched, env_session
+  with e when not (Debug.test_flag Debug.stack_trace) ->
+    eprintf "@[Error while opening session:@ %a@.@]"
+      Exn_printer.exn_printer e;
+    exit 1
+let strategy =
+  try
+    List.find (fun s -> Some (fst s) = (!opt_strategy)) (load_strategies env_session config)
+  with Not_found ->
+    Whyconf.Args.exit_with_usage option_list usage_msg
+let () = try
+  register_report env_session;
+  Queue.iter (fun f -> open_file env_session f) files;
+  let run_strategy goal = M.run_strategy env_session sched
+      ~context_unproved_goals_only:true (snd strategy) goal in
+  let goals = session_all_subgoals env_session.S.session in
+  List.iter run_strategy goals;
+  O.main_loop ();
+  eprintf "Nothing to be done. All goals are proved.@.";
+  exit 0
+  with e when not (Debug.test_flag Debug.stack_trace) ->
+    eprintf "%a@." Exn_printer.exn_printer e;
+    exit 1
+Local Variables:
+compile-command: "unset LANG; make -C ../.. byte"

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