Quick answer: replace 'Driver.load_driver_absolute' by 'Whyconf.load_driver'

My first reaction was: why not following the doc properly?

However, I agree that the doc is outdated, sorry for the inconvenience.
The initial recommendation of that doc section is: ``The OCaml code
given below is available in the source distribution in directory
examples/use_api/ together with a few other examples.''. Indeed, I
recommend to look at these files from the source distribution, since
their accuracy is maintained when the API involves.

In details: "alt_ergo" is the name of the driver file associated to the
ALt-Ergo prover in the why3.conf file. This is not an absolute path
name, so you need to use Whyconf.load_drive to properly prepend the path
of drivers from Why3 library (and indeed also append ".drv" to it).

Hope this helps,

- Claude

Le 29/03/2018 à 00:29, Abhishek Kumar a écrit :
> Hello
> I am trying to use Why3 API from Ocaml. I am unable to load the alt-ergo
> driver. For the below-shown code, I get the error "Failed to load driver
> for alt-ergo: anomaly: Sys_error("alt_ergo: No such file or
> directory")". I am not sure, where is it looking for which file. I have
> alt-ergo installed and configured (the first part of the code succeeds).
> ```
> let alt_ergo : Whyconf.config_prover =
>   try
>     let prover = {Whyconf.prover_name = "Alt-Ergo";
>                   prover_version = "1.30";
>                   prover_altern = ""} in
>     Whyconf.Mprover.find prover provers
>   with Not_found ->
>     Printf.printf "Prover alt-ergo not installed or not configured@.";
>     exit 0
> let alt_ergo_driver : Driver.driver =
>   try
>           Driver.load_driver_absolute env alt_ergo.Whyconf.driver []
>   with e ->
>     eprintf "Failed to load driver for alt-ergo: %a@."
>       Exn_printer.exn_printer e;
>     exit 1
> ```
> Can someone please help me how to get this working?
> Thanks a lot!
> Abhishek
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Claude Marché                          | tel: +33 1 69 15 66 08
INRIA Saclay - Île-de-France           |
Université Paris-sud, Bat. 650         | http://www.lri.fr/~marche/
F-91405 ORSAY Cedex                    |
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