On Thu, 29 Mar 2018, Jean-Christophe Filliatre wrote:

> Hi Julia,
> > but at the call site of the function that contains this code, it complains
> > that:
> >
> > warning: this expression may diverge, which is not stated in the
> > specification
> >
> > Can I just ignore the warning?
> If you are not interested in proving termination, yes you can.
> > I would like the whyml code to look like what one would most naturally
> > write in an imperative language, so I didn't want to wriet a recursive
> > function.
> As far as termination is concerned, Why3 makes no difference between
> while loops and recursive functions. If ever one or the other is used
> without a termination argument (a variant), then the surrounding
> functions has "diverges" (potential non-termination) as part of its
> effects, and that non-termination effect propagates whereever the
> functions is called.

Based on an example I found in the manual, the current code is:

  while !rdy <> Nil
    variant { !rdy }
    let t = head !rdy in
    (if cores.cload[selected] - cores.cload[self] >= 2 * t.load
          ... (* no modification to rdy *)
    rdy := tail !rdy;

Prior to this, I have:

let rdy = ref cores.ready[selected] in

and the ... does do eg:

 cores.ready[selected] <- remove t cores.ready[selected]

Will that have an impact on rdy?  I don't really know how mutable things

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