Hi Sandrine,

It looks like you forgot the first parameter "a" of "p" in "result <-> p
i". When I add it, this is accepted (and proved) with the most recent
version of Why3.


On 11/9/18 6:20 PM, Sandrine Blazy wrote:
> Hi, 
> the following example worked fine using why3 version 0.87.3.
> How should I write it so that it becomes accepted by why3 version 1.1.0 ?
> module M
>   use int.Int
>   use bool.Bool
>   use array.Array
> predicate p (a: array int) (i:int) = (a[i]=0)
> let f (a: array int) (i: int) : bool
> requires { 0 <= i < length a }
> ensures { result <-> p i}
> =
> a[i] = 0
> end
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