Dear Andrei,

I’m also slow because of travelling to Nice...

> Le 28 mai 2019 à 15:27, Andrei Paskevich <> a écrit :
> Dear Jean-Jacques,
> very late and very partial answer:
> On Wed, 10 Apr 2019 at 17:38, Jean-Jacques Levy < 
> <>> wrote:
> 1- ide: stop pop-up menus. No reason for them, or make them optional. It 
> makes a shaky behaviour. When thinking on a proof, it’s very bad to see 
> sparkling menus. Furthermore, the macOS X-window handles them strangely when 
> on border of a window.
> Do you mean contextual menus that appear upon the right mouse click? Or do 
> you mean error/warning messages that appear in popup windows?

I mean contextual menus. It remind me the Xerox Dorado. When thinking of a 
(difficult) proof, you want a stable screen. X-window on MacOs clip pop-up 
menus when you are at bottom of screen, enforcing you to reduce the height of 
the window and acting again the pop-up menu. Maybe x-window on Linux has not 
same behavior?

>  2- ide: stop fancy moves. Jumping to next unproved goal is very confusing, 
> when you prove goals in non sequential order. Same to jump to a new Emacs 
> window when choosing Coq as prover.

> There is a recenly added option (in the master branch) that makes this 
> behaviour optional. In the IDE, menu "File", line "Preferences", tab 
> "General", option "jump to the next unproved goal ».

ok so it’s better, but I’m not in favour of jumping to next release, because I 
want my proofs first be stable.

> 3- ide: I loved the display of times on goals. This feature vanished at top 
> level !!
> It is still there, the third column in the session tree window. However, if 
> the second column "Theory/Goal" becomes too large, it pushes the third column 
> "Time" too far right, out of visibility.

and with new way of having more interactive proofs + treatment of 
post-conditions (ie not splitting them on conditional branches) the goals are 
more pushed to the right.

> 7- I still have difficulties with the new treatment of ghost variables. This 
> end with strange text as the sketchy one which follows:
> -------------------------------
> type vertex
> let ghost function (!) (s: S.t) = s.contents
> val (=) (x y: vertex) : bool ensures { result <-> x = y }
> clone import appmap.Appmap as M with type key = vertex
> clone import appset.Appset as S with type elt = vertex
> val constant vertices: S.t
> type env = {ghost black: set vertex; ghost gray: set vertex; 
>     stack: list vertex; sccs: set (set vertex); sn: int; num: M.t int}
> let rec dfs1 x e  =
> requires {mem x !vertices} 
> ...
> with  dfs roots e =
> requires {subset !roots !vertices} 
> returns {(_, e') -> subset !roots (union e'.black e'.gray)} 
>   if S.is_empty roots then (infty(), e) else
>   let x = S.choose roots in
>   let roots' = S.remove x roots in
>   let (n1, e1) =
>     if e.num[x] <> -1 then (e.num[x], e) else dfs1 x e in
>   let (n2, e2) = dfs roots' e1 in (min n1 n2, e2)
> ------------------------------
> I thanks Andreij for giving me hints about equality but I dislike my (!), 
> which could conflict later with references !! Maybe there is smarter way for 
> distinguishing test-for-emptyness or others in program text ? Maybe another 
> analysis of ghost variables is feasible ?
> Sorry, I don't understand the example or the question. What do you mean by 
> "distinguishing test-for-emptyness »?

I mean that the program text is uglier. One good point of Hoare logic is that 
the logic values are nearly same as the program text values. Now for capturing 
a problem due to the soundness analysis of ghost values, one spoils program 
text and distinguish between program values and logic values! That’s exactly 
what I do not like with denotational semantics and now in beautiful Why3, you 
have similar problems :-( :-( :-( ...

> Best,
> Andrei

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