On 1/18/07, Martijn Dashorst <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Using Apache  hardware seems to be a big deal for a community feel and
for a legal standpoint (iianm), and /should/ make things easier. If we
get migraines from dealing with the apache process, then we should get
more involved in the infra team. Problem is that to be able to do
that, you need to earn karma, and IMO you won't get karma until you
help administer stuff.

you mean they will let us host bamboo, our examples, etc with us having
access to that stuff easily? why dont we do that now then? also what is the
hold up with our new website then? i thought you had trouble doing an export
or something because of apache confluence permission foobar?

I don't see the need to register another domain name yet. Isn't the
whole point of the server to have it host all our stuff? Just moving
wicketframework.org to the servoy box, and add the subdomains is not
too much I think?

once the domain is transferred to apache will we still be able to have the

The current 1.2.x sites can easily be put on the box. They only
require a static filesystem. I recon a simple rsync between the two
servers is all it takes to mirror the current content.

no doubt, and we can update them easily. but if we are going to do that why
not just do the confluence import thing and the new skin now as well?



On 1/18/07, Igor Vaynberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> we could register wicketstuff.org, host our website there until we are
> to move it to apache, we can even setup our confluence install there to
> export our website to apache so we dont have to go through headaches
> just dont think of wicketstuff.org as related directly to
> wicket-stuff.sf.net
> -igor
> On 1/18/07, Martijn Dashorst <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > It has been proposed in several threads, so I'd like to make it more
> > formal:
> >
> > currently we host wicketframework.org on the sf.net servers. We can
> > move the content of the site to our own box (provided by
> > http://servoy.com) and host it there, and redirect traffic from the
> > sf.net server to the our new box.
> >
> > Pro's:
> > - wicketframework.org will probably be a lot faster.
> > - it opens up builds.wicketframework.org,
> >
> > Con's:
> > - we'll have to update our (read: I have to update my) build
> > infrastructure for deploying the site
> > - we'll be fully responsible for hosting our own site
> > - the future is clouded for the domain as we are moving towards
> > apache infrastructure.
> >
> > So the vote is:
> > [ ] move the domain already, why didn't you do this months ago?
> > [ ] keep it as it is, it works now
> >
> > Martijn
> >
> > --
> > Vote for Wicket at the
> > http://www.thebeststuffintheworld.com/vote_for/wicket
> > Wicket 1.2.4 is as easy as 1-2-4. Download Wicket now!
> > http://wicketframework.org
> >

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