On 2/19/07, Ryan Holmes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I know you guys have already thought about/discussed this, but can't
you reduce the size of the page map by storing deltas? I thought I
saw a thread about it in the dev list archives... What I'm getting at
is that if you could significantly reduce the size of the page map,
there might not be a compelling reason to store it outside of the

deltas/changes, whatever you call them, often have references to the page
through anonymous classes, etc. so it ends up being the same

I beg to differ here. If you don't have to rely on sticky sessions
then you get rock-solid failover and can therefore add and remove
nodes at will (you're basically failing over constantly under normal
operating conditions). The other big advantage is improved resource
utilization across the farm. Your load balancers distribute on a
request-by-request basis, and that can make a significant difference
in overall throughput when compared to distributing on a session-by-
session basis.

the con is that you lose data-locality in your caches. if you are using
something like hibernate or doing caching on your own sticky sessions
dramatically improve hit/miss ratio


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