the current version (2.2) isn't made for injection (what we could do for
example if we have an ajax tabpanel)

But 2.3 which is about the get released i think says this in the code:

           // If the library is being injected after window.onload, it
           // is not safe to document.write the script tag.  Detecting
           // this state doesn't appear possible, so we expect a flag
           // in YAHOO_config to be set if the library is being injected.
           if (("undefined" !== typeof YAHOO_config) &&
YAHOO_config.injecting) {

I cant find much info about that injection flag currently anywhere else.

But i guess every lib that uses yahoo should upgrade asap to the 2.3 (now in
and should do something like:

YAHOO_config = {
    listener: mycallback  // this is already something you can do in 2.2 if
YAHOO_config.injecting = true;

and only when we are in an ajax request..


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