Massive and ugly. JSF examples in stateless mode contain form with 7kb big hidden field (view state). Wouldn't want to use that application with GPRS :)


Phil Kulak wrote:
You'd also have to have everything live inside a form with some
JavaScript trickery. Right now it's nice that a link is a link. If
everything were a POST, a link couldn't just be a link. It would have
to be in a form with some JavaScript attached to it, or be a button. I
think it will have to happen eventually (if Wicket wants to have a
stateless option), but it's a pretty massive task.

On 8/3/05, Gili <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

       The only downside I see in switching everything from a GET to a POST is
that when you hit back the browser will issue a warning. Aside from that
I think POST is better than GET in all possible ways.


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