Johan Compagner wrote:

Now we have pretty much solved the new tab/window issue by auto generation pagemaps.
There is another problem with the access stack a pagemap does have.

when i have this access stack:

Page1, Page2, Page3, Page4

and i go to Page2 and press refresh....
Then wicket will throw away Page3 and Page4 because it sees that we touch Page2.. But with a refresh the location (url) doesn't change so the history doesn't change so you still can go forward.

Is this refresh the only thing that doesn't invalidate the history?
Is there an usecase where i can click on something that also keeps the current location and therefor the history
is not touched?
No, refresh is not the only action that doesn't invalidate history. If you click on a link (action) and the version doesn't change, after redirect you'll end on page with same url as before. So the history is not cleared, but the pages are evicted. Not good.

Because i guess if it is only a refresh we can test this and don't drop the pages above it.
How do you want to test the refresh?
But if there are other
possibilities we have a bit bigger problem.
Seems so. Maybe it's time to reconsider the stack paradigm? Or maybe to make it configurable? (So users can decide whether session size or less expired pages are the priority)



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