On Jul 17, 2005, at 1:50 PM, Martijn Dashorst wrote:


I'm going to do the release in a few hours (it takes that long, yes), and in the process I'm updating the site to reflect a new structure:

The main front page will reflect the latest and greatest. This will always be generated from the head of trunc.

Each release will get its own place on the website:
- wicket-1.0 branch will now and in the future be found on http:// wicket.sf.net/wicket-1.0
- wicket-1.1 branch will be found on http://wicket.sf.net/wicket-1.1
- wicket-x.y branch will be found on http://wicket.sf.net/wicket-x.y

This makes it possible to link to that documentation and have the reference documentation for a particular version always online.

Minor releases (the x.y.z releases) will always overwrite the stuff in the x.y directory.

I think that sounds great.

How about a blog to announce new versions? So that we can all add it to our favorite rss reader :-)


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