Martijn Dashorst wrote:

Alex Karasulu wrote:

Thanks for taking the time to respond. I tried the war as you suggested in Jetty and got the same problem. There has to be something wrong with what I am doing. The war must be messed up but I cannot seem to isolate exactly what is going on. Could you checkout the project and lend me a second pair of eyes. The example is straight from the examples on the site and very trivial. I can contribute mavenized projects for all the examples once I get all this up and working. I know its not much but at least people in my position will not stumble as I have.

The wicket examples project has an index.html file in the webapp root with only a redirect to the webapplication. Probably that is missing.

Found what was going wrong with using wicket.  Turns out the markup used by
wicket must be in the package of the class not in the WEB-INF directory. Moving the HelloWorld.html to the src/main/java/wicket/examples/helloworld directory
and adding the right maven resource lines to the pom fixed the problem.

I also added the index file which basically gave me a hint as to how to hit the wicket page. Turns out that http://localhost:8080/helloworld/ is not sufficient and http://localhost:8080/helloworld/helloworld must be used. I thought from
the example that that main page http://localhost:8080/helloworld/ would be
enough. I thought this was what getPages().setHomePage(HelloWorld.class) did
for us.  Apparently I have misinterpretted its meaning.  Is this the case?


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