But there are still a number of issues such as the way I have to(?)
use both a CheckBox and a Label (html "value" attribute should be
available, making the Label unneeded)

If you want that, work with AttributeModifiers or make you custom CheckBox class that renders the tag in the way you want.

and the way (which I've not yet
confirmed but suspect) that I'll need to deal with the results
individually, rather than en-masse, even before my own issues such as
the hard-coded HTML "10%" needing making dynamic.

No, that should be the beauty of it all, it can be fully automatic. Put the ListView with your checkboxes in a Form and it should all work automatically. Provide the ListView with a List where each object has a boolean property (with a getter and setter) you use with your checkboxes. For each list item, use e.g. a PropertyModel.

Note that if you are using detachable models (e.g. your list), if you don't do anything in the form's submit method (like persisting your changes), the next time the list renders it will use the same old value, which could give you the idea nothing happened.

All of this suggests to me that there's an area of form support that
could do with a closer look, in that it looks to me as if there's some
core functionality missing with regards to CheckBoxes used in groups,
rather than individually.
Any idea that makes Wicket better is welcome :)


(I don't know if I can come up with anything, but it'll at least give
me a purpose in trying to understand the internals of what's happening
in forms...)


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