This may be off-topic and really belong on some Tomcat list, but if anyone here has a suggestion, please let me know.

I'm doing an awful lot of update-compile-deploy cycles as I try to learn Wicket, and Tomcat is giving me grief. Usually when I drop a WAR file in Tomcat's webapps directory, the expanded folder is removed and replaced with the new version. On my new 3.0 GHz laptop with 1 GB memory, this is quite quick. For some reason this doesn't happen with my Wicket application. Tomcat removes everything in the folder except for lib/wicket-1.1-b3.jar. Then it doesn't expand the WAR file. While Tomcat is running, I can't even remove this file manually. I have to shut down Tomcat before I can test my work.

This happens whether I manually copy the file, have Ant copy it, or let Tomct's manager take care of it.

Does anyone know why this happens, or even better, have a suggestion for how to fix it? Maybe I'll be able to test with Jetty, but for most of my webapps, a drop into Tomcat is close to instant gratification. By the time I switch to the browser and refresh the page, the application is running. Last I tried it, Jetty was not as quick.

Please let me know what you think,

  -- Scott

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