One thing I can see us adding fairly early on is a Wicket section to their documentation. Currently it only includes a Tapestry tutorial like you mentioned.


Gili wrote:

One thing at a time. First, I want to try to migrate my application code to Cayenne. Once that's done I will need to come back and contribute to Wicket (because I use some of the Hibernate components).


Jonathan Carlson wrote:

Maybe you could start out learning Cayenne by adding a Cayenne
implementation of the wicket-contrib-database stuff.  It's not really
ORM tool agnostic until it has another working implementation, right? It shouldn't be too hard, it just takes a little time.

- Jon

[EMAIL PROTECTED] 2005-08-26 8:51:05 AM >>>

    Ok, so "I've got your back" then :) I'm reading the user manual
now. I'm less concerned about performance (I hear it is equivilent to Hibernate anyway) and more concerned about when I run into problems will it be obvious how to solve them and/or will I have somewhere to ask (in

this case their mailing list).

    I *do* wish, however, they had an IRC channel as I am not a fan
of mailing lists in general (takes too long). Do you happen to know if
they have one (official or not)?


Jonathan Carlson wrote:

I've been pretty pleased with Cayenne and I'm starting soon on a


implementation of Jonathan L's wicket-contrib-database stuff.  Also,


RAD components I'm building (and hope to check in within a week or


are abstracted enough to support different ORM tools  (mainly my
filtered List component)

One caveat is that my uses so far haven't forced me to tune the


Cayenne options for speed so I wouldn't be a good resource for that.


was satisfied with their explanations of prefetching and query


etc.  The developers do seem to be very helpful and quick to


and the traffic on the mailing list is consistently good.

It would probably help to have another person on the Cayenne mailing
list who is enthusiastic about Wicket.  The last time I touted Wicket


the list, they seemed interested, but it became obvious that many of
them were already committed to Tapestry -- hence the Tapestry example


their site with no Wicket example.  :-(

- Jonathan Carlson

[EMAIL PROTECTED] 2005-08-25 11:05:03 PM >>>

    I am seriously considering dumping Hibernate in favor of


because the former has a multitude of bugs and usability issues I ran

into which the authors refuse to acknowledge (don't mention the word

"bug" on their discussion forum or else they will ban you. No joke!).

Anyone who honestly thinks their software has no bugs *has* to be delusional in my book.

    Anyway, I'm wondering whether anyone has tried using Cayenne
before? I noticed a lot of Wicket users have had experience with Hibernate so I

figured this was a good place to ask. I read that Cayenne is feature-equivilent to Hibernate but the developers are far more friendly and their support base is stronger. With Hibernate whenever I ran


trouble and try asking for help the developers first tell me off,


proceed to tell me to go buy their book. Now, I can hardly fault them

for their capitalistic ploy, but I have a hard time justifying to
myself having to pay money to people who badger users asking for help.
Frankly, I hope they crash and burn for their attitude.

    So back to the point. Does anyone have any experience with
Cayenne or maybe Apache OJB? I'm look at for a comparison but it is rather dry. I'm looking for practical experience

from real people. Let me know...



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