Johan Compagner wrote:
is that img tag without any wicket:id? so there is no wicket component
attached to it?

Correct. There is no wicket:id.

The source code looks like this:

<td scope="col"><img src="../../../../images/tmp_pie_1.gif" width="300" height="300" /></td> <td scope="col"><img src="../../../../images/tmp_pie_2.gif" width="300" height="300" /></td>

The html sent to the browser is exactly the same.

The url is exactly what it is there at runtime?

That is ofcourse not right. At runtime it should be:

Are you saying that the designer needs to have a duplicate images folder in every java package?

I looked at the wicket-examples, that's how it seems to be done there.



On 10/19/05, Anders Peterson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I'm trying to do precisely this, and I can't get it to work. I've tried
all possible ways to do this - except one. ;-)

Using wicket 1.1rc2

I use Dreamweaver to do the html work, and eclipse for the Java part.
The Dreamweaver site root is set to be the same as the java source
folder root.

In the /se/optimatika/blapp/gui/PgCompare.html page there is a tag

<img src="../../../../images/tmp_pie_1.gif" width="300" height="300" />

All iamges are in /images/*

When I run the app I don't see the images. I've tried using both
absolute and relative paths, and I've tried having the images in a lot
of different places.

When you follow a static relative path from a run-time wicket page;
where do you end up?


Phil Kulak wrote:

Do you have a resource reference named "images/delete.gif"? Because if
you're just trying to make a static link to a static image, there's no
need to get Wicket involved:

<img src="images/delete.gif" type="image" width="12" height="12"
alt="[Delete]" border="0" valign="middle" />

On 10/10/05, Francis Amanfo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


I have a Panel whose markup contains:

<img src="images/delete.gif" type="image" wicket:id="deleteImage"
width="12" height="12" alt="[Delete]" border="0" valign="middle" />

The markup is located in package
In my panel class located in the same package as the markup I do:

add(new Image("deleteImage", "images/delete.gif"))

The problem is the image doesn't get dsiplayed. Viewing the source html


my browser I see:

<img width="12" height=
"12" type="image" wicket:id="deleteImage"
valign="middle" border="0"


I don't get it. Any help?


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