create a subclass of feedbackpanel and add the message to the html template
so the html template for your subclass will look something like this:
class myfeedback extends feedbackpanel {
    public myfeedback {
        add(new WebMarkupContainer("message") { isvisible() { return anymessage(); } });
<html xmlns:wicket>



  <span wicket:id="message">Correct the following errors:<br/></span>
  <ul wicket:id="feedbackul">

    <li wicket:id="messages" class="errorlevel">

      <span wicket:id="message" class="errorlevel">A message</span>






From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Andrew Berman
Sent: Friday, October 28, 2005 9:49 AM
Subject: [Wicket-user] FeedbackPanel header

Is there a way to display a header only when there is an error in a feedback panel?

For example, I want to do this:

Please correct the following errors:

<<Feedback messages here as UL>>



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