
I think I've read all of the pertinent articles in the documentation, especially http://www.wicket-wiki.org.uk/wiki/index.php/Lifecycle.  On each request to my app, I first need to run a database query,the parameters of which are dependent on the parameters in the Request.  Then I need to forward to a page, which also depends on the request parameters.  It looks like I'm supposed to override methods on RequestCycle ( i.e. onBeginRequest(), request(), and onEndRequest()).

If this is correct, then my question is:  once I create my subclass of WebRequestCycle, how do I integrate that into my application flow?  It seems that the instantiation and use of RequestCycle objects is performed by the Wicket framework.  Where are my hooks to make the Session return my custom RequestCycle?  And how do I handle the initial request, before a Session is even created?

I consider this sort of thing as analogous to MVC "Front Controller" (aka Dispatcher) logic.  I'm basically unclear as to where that logic belongs in a Wicket app.

Thanks in advance!

-Steven McNeel

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