Every time we're running into syntax discussions (see 'replacing OGNL') I feel 
that Wicket is deviating from the Java way.

I think all the following suggestions would better be left unimplemented:

<input wicket:message="value=my-key" type=.../>
<input wicket:message="value=my-key, class=another-key..."/>
<input value="message:key=my-key" type="..." />
<span wicket:message="my-key">...</span>
<p wicket:message="$=greeting, class=greeting-class">Hello.</p>

This is leaning in the direction of Tapestry (with special $prefixes) or real 
attribute languages 
(http://www.zope.org/Wikis/DevSite/Projects/ZPT/AttributeLanguage). TAL is 
great but Wicket's main selling point is (and should stay) Java.

Every input field has a Wicket component anyway, so the origin of their 
attribute values should be in Java models, attribute modifiers or behaviours - 
not in HTML.

The initial request for easier 18n of static labels was valid:

<wicket:message key="myKey">Default Message</wicket:message>

IMHO this is striking similar to our auto linking tag:

<wicket:link autolink="true"> ... </wicket:link>

Anything else is opening a can of worms.

Just my 2 cents

>I think this is starting to get all out of hand and when I suggested
>this whole thing I didn't think it was going to be crazy likethis.
>Perhaps the attribute thing is best left to doing it thenormal Wicket
>way. I think the only thing I really need for i18nin terms of changing
>attributes is for a button or submit form elementand those are easy
>enough to add in each page.  
>I think we need a simple solution which gets the job done for other
>cases where, for example, you do:
>First Name: <input type="text"/>
>Last name: <....>
>Currently, I have to add a label in the page/form for every single
>label I want for a form field, which honestly is kind of a pain. So,
>I suggest we add the <wicket:message> tag which has this:
><wicket:message key="myKey">Default Message</wicket:message>
>Nice and simple.  I think this will cover most cases where peopleuse
>i18n and if attribute support is needed people will just have toadd
>it to a component manually in the page code.

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