Thanks for all the responses about this topic.  The specific thing I'm trying to accomplish is this:  I'm building a site with a standard sort of template page (which includes a navigation pane, a content pane, a search pane, the usual stuff).  Every request needs to fire a query to a data store before rendering the page, and the query results need to be available to every panel on the page.  The links embedded throughout the page allow the user to make additional requests, with refined parameters.  These follow-on queries need to be able to invoke additional templates other than the master template.

So my question is, being new to Component web frameworks, where does "global" stuff (such as the queries) occur?  I can't put the query logic into individual components associated with individual panels.  The queries have to be called outside the context of any page or panel.  How do I stop talking about the "request lifecycle" and "pages", and start talking about "components", in the context of this sort of use case?


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