that dot notation is only usable when a CompoundPropertyModel is present. see this for more info and examples:


On 11/21/05, Manuel Corrales <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Great!!! I remember now reading  that can use that notation. That solves mi issue. Thanks very very much. This list is excelent!!.

Thanks again

On 11/21/05, Igor Vaynberg < [EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
why not use the object as the model itself, this is easy with property models.

Form form=new Form("form", new CompoundPropertyModel(new User());
form.add(new TextField("name")); <=== maps to
form.add(new TextField("")); <=== maps to


On 11/21/05, Manuel Corrales <[EMAIL PROTECTED] > wrote:
Hi, i have this issue:

have a form with several inputs, that form should be mapped to a class user i have. The thing is that the class user have an instance of a class Pacient inside and the data of the form must goe half to the User class and half to de Pacient.

Can i achieve this without creating two forms or a custom model and then setting the data to the other classes??


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