Project wicket-stuff contains already some AJAX components
(scriptaculous and dojo based ones). Wicket core contain a AjaxHandler
and we provide a yet experimental component level re-render
(requestcycle.render(component). Though the latter one is no yet
accessible through a URL (that piece of code is missing; we've only
tested it with junit tests). So, yes some parts have been done, it is
not ready yet, but I think we are on a good way and some features can
be used already. Because it is in an dev stage, feedback is very much


On 11/25/05, Ari Suutari <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> We are developing applications, which have kind of a content 'push' system,
> ie. data arrives from factory automation and we visualize it on-line.
> Our traditional approach to this has been to send the data to browser
> (via applet and additional tcp socket) and use javascript to render it.
> However, I'm a little bit tempted to adjust our architecture so that
> we would only push a notification of change and then use ajax
> to re-render part of page.
> Would it be possible with wicket ? Typically, the part that
> would be re-rendered with ajax is just a text field or a table
> (rendering whole page is too slow, since the data rate
> can be quite fast; also flashes too much for slower cases).
> There was some discussion on mailing list that something like
> this would be in 1.2 ?
>    Ari S.
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