ahh so a program on the webserver just runs in its own thread. (every session has its own thread)
And the webserver threads are dispatchting to those threads and then getting response from them.

That doesn't look to hard to do. (the burden on the webserver would improved greatly)

If we build something like this in wicket. Where would youre code be in?
Now youre pieces of youre code is in the event/interface methods like onclick or onsubmit.
Would you then have an onClick/onSubmit on a Page? and every thing that comes in from that page
is called to there or better said it is continued there?

How would you say to wicket i want to start this part in a "continue", a special interface that a page
implements that is checked on in the response phase?

I do think this thing is not for all. Only small portions, one page. else i think you quicly get big
monolitic code again.

If i compare it to swing then i just see this continuations as the Modal Dialog...
That is the continuation in swing. You block youre current code and ask the user for something.
Then it gets back (the modal dialog is closed) and you continue.

lets think about some examples how we would do this in wicket and what would be a elegant way.


On 11/26/05, Timo Stamm <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Andrew Berman wrote:
> I don't think continuations would fit at all in Wicket.  Components and
> continuations just don't seem to me that they would mesh at all.

Why is that? Components and Continuations work very well together.

> The
> problem is that a form component, for example, contains the logic for
> submission and you must build and add it to the page before the control is
> sent to the user.  As a result, if you had a continuation, where would you
> continue to?  You've already written the code for what is supposed to happen
> prior to the user doing anything.

That's exactly the point of continuations. Instead of continuing with an
onSubmit handler, your just continue *within the method*.

> As far as I know, RIFE is the only framework I know that uses continuations,

Cocoon has them, too. RIFE/Continuations aims to become a
general-purpose library for continuations. Jetty 6 has support for


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