Honestly I think the wicket presentation could be better when it comes about 1.) true OOP, and 2.) when it comes about tools integration support.

1.) Wicket brings back into it's right the true OOP approaches in the serverside java programming. I think this is almost all the time overlooked even by wicket users.( I am working at this time in three projects now: one wicket, one struts, one Spring MVC. After developing with wicket where all looks so natural plain java programming, I have difficulties even to ADAPT my thinking back to the request/response paradigm you find in action frameworks, being given that I've developed MVC for the last 3 years :-)) ). No jsp tags for components, no jsp fragments or includes, no decorators etc. That is all your code is in the same place, all your code is in java and you can design/componentize AS YOU WANT. Only your skills, not the technology you use, will limit the quality of your code and your software product.

2.) On top of this comes the tools support needed. You need a good java IDE and a good web development IDE (html/js/css) both of which are already a commonality in all java IDEs. Back to *Simple* is a Good THING TM.

With Wicket, what I see as big (well ... ) problems are:

1.) The session use, not from the size perspective but from the clustering perspective (I think some users will be really reluctant to the ideea that the session is "overused" in their opppinion. The truth is that *stateless* really helps with scalability BUT is all the time scalability a requirement ? It may be having in mind we're talking about web apps )

2.) I think some AOP kind of approach could be really usefull, for example to enable a complex authentication/authorization implementation, maybe something similar to what servlet filters are to the servlet environment (this MVC thing really goes into your blood ultimately as you can see :-)) )

Martijn Dashorst wrote:

If you were able to go to JavaOne, and was deciding which framework to
use, and one of the presentations is about Wicket, what kind of
information do you want to hear so you would give it a try? Or even
better, what kind of info are you looking for in the program so you
attend such a session?

I'm in the process to submit a proposal to the JavaOne committee, and
I could use this information to streamline the proposal... Deadline is



Living a wicket life...

Martijn Dashorst - http://www.jroller.com/page/dashorst

Wicket 1.1 is out: http://wicket.sourceforge.net/wicket-1.1

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