I've got a case where I need to display an image dynamically based on
a test in a row of data.  I'm experimenting w/ the Image class but am
at a loss as to what to do next and cannot find any example code or

Here's a snippet where I'm adding the Image based on a condition:

                                //determine status icon label
                                if (employee.getStatus().equals("in"))
                                        item.add(new Image("statusIcon", 
                                else if (employee.getStatus().equals("lunch"))
                                        item.add(new Image("statusIcon", 
                                        item.add(new Image("statusIcon", 

Here's my HTML tag:

<img wicket:id="statusIcon" />

It replaces the image tag w/ this url, which is incorrect:


So...I see a broken image.  Since the images weren't on the classpath
I put them in the same directory as the wicket source files so they
*would* be...


Will I also need to add my webroot's image directory (e.g.
/assets/images/) to the classpath, put the images back in there...and
then point to the filename like I did in my Java snippet above?


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