
I 'm wondering if the problem posted by Jonathan Cone (below) had been solved. I also come across with similar problem where ListMultipleChoice is unable to reference to all selected item, instead it is only refering to the last selected item.

I 'm currently using wicket 1.1.1.

Thanks very much.


On 2/10/06, Jonathan Cone <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
 > Description:
 > I'm using a ListMultipleChoice component to populate a List model object.
 > When the user selects multiple items in the list, I want the list model
 > object to be populated with those items.
 > Problem:
 > The ListMultipleChoice renders correctly with all the proper 'choices' and
 > corresponding 'id's from the choice List I provide it.  The problem occurs
 > when I try to submit the form with multiple items selected. After each
 > submit, the model is only updated with one of the selected items - the
 > last
 > item in the selection chain.  For example, if I submit a form with "A" "B"
 > and "C" selected (top to bottom).  The model List only contains "C".
 > Desired Result:
 > I would like the model List to contain references to ALL of the selected
 > objects in the ListMultipleChoice. Any suggestions on what I'm doing
 > wrong?
 > Here is the code (1.2-20060122):
 > ChoiceRenderer renderer = new ChoiceRenderer("name","id");
 > // ListMultipleChoice(id, model, choice list)
 > unitAmenities = new ListMultipleChoice("unitAmenities",
 >      new PropertyModel(unit, "unitAmenities"), Arrays
 >        .asList(AmenityType.values()));
 >    unitAmenities.setChoiceRenderer(renderer);
 > Now 'unitAmenities' is a List<AmenityType> and AmenityType is a 5.0
 > enumeration containing a 'name' and 'id' String fields.  I have, however,
 > tried replacing the enumeration with a concrete class and a static method
 > to
 > supply list values to no avail. 'unit' is a model object containing the
 > 'unitAmenities' list.
 > Here is the simple HTML I'm using to bind this component to
 > 'unitAmenities':
 > <select multiple="multiple" wicket:id="unitAmenities"
 > id="unitAmenities"></select>
 > Thanks in advance.
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