if you would like you may start a wicket-stuff project to build up some of these components. that way the committers and others interested can also contribute.

let me know if you would like to do that.


On 3/29/06, Joshua Lim <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
thanks igor, that is very close to what I need, and the insight too into the backing list model... I think that would be useful, I do want another, which will only take 1 single value. perhaps a limit on the list ?

basically I am trying to build up more widgets to make answering surveys interesting not so much shopping cart ...

so I am looking at things like :

1/ sorting list - drag into order choice 1 to 10 - good to have a backing list

2/ maybe extending (1)  to have a choice editable - ala toolman - also backed by a list.

3/ multi-targets/draggables - each target having 1 only 1 draggable - so dragging a draggable over a target replaces it instead of adding up ?? still thinking about this one, could be used for matching question.


On 3/30/06, Igor Vaynberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On 3/29/06, Joshua Lim <[EMAIL PROTECTED] > wrote:

and the other a editable div like "tiddywiki" http://tiddlywiki.com but also dragable...

take a look at AjaxEditableLabel, its probably not exactly what you want, but it will give you an idea of how it can be done.

there is a good impl of draggable lists here:

ive been thinking of how drag and drop can work in wicket. my idea was to be able to have a DropTarget WebMarkupContainer whose model is a list, and a Draggable behavior to another component. so after a form submit whether ajax or regular, the DropTarget's model would be set to the list of all value model object's of all Draggables in it.

maybe this will help,



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