Our application is composed of wicket page and struts page (we wanted to avoid rewriting our huge application so we decided that only new pages are implemented as wicket pages). In order to achieve a unique layout for all pages no matter if wicket or struts I used sitemesh servlet filter with url pattern "/*" which decorates all pages.
This is truly as simple as it sounds.


Eelco Hillenius wrote:
That's interesting. Do you include Wicket pages in you sitemesh definitions too?


On 4/1/06, Nili Adoram <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
After reconsidering I used Sitemesh which provides a better approach to
this issue.

However, this is a good opportunity to thank you Wicket team for
developing the most wonderful framework.
I voted for you!


Eelco Hillenius wrote:
To my knowledge, none of the core developers of Wicket uses the
Include component for their projects. What about this: if you and
anyone else that uses this functionality agree on what would be the
best implementation, I'd be happy to look at the patch and put it in
Wicket if we agree on it. That would work better than me developing it
and guessing what is right.

Ideally, it should work similar to sitemesh, but simpler, as we don't
need the composition (it would steer people the wrong direction for
how to do things with Wicket) and of course without a line of xml

I'd like to keep it one component thought, so I wouldn't be in favor
of the LightInclude as mentioned the post before this. I'd rather have
some property for deciding how the include should work.

Related issues:


On 3/30/06, Robert McClay <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I posted a very similar "component" to the group a while back -- search
for "Servlet forward to a JSP". It could be used as a starting point
for a "nice" component, as it definitely needs polishing.

On 2006-03-29 23:54:57 -0700, Nili Adoram <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:

How about extending Include as follows:
public class LightInclude extends Include {

    public LightInclude(String id, String model, ServletRequest
request, ServletResponse response) {
       this.request = request;
       this.response = response;

    protected String importUrl(String url) {
        //create a buffer
        Writer writer = new BufferedWriter(new CharArratWriter());
        //create some mockup response
        ServletResponse mockupResponse = new ServletResponse() {
           //implement all interface methods by delegating to the
original response except for this:
           public PrintWriter getWriter(){
              return new PrintWriter(writer);
           //call RequestDispatcher with the mockup response
        //this will write the response to our buffer
        request.getrequestDispatcher(url).include(request, mockupResponse);
           //return the content of the buffer
        return writer.toString();

I guess some additional polish is required..

Eelco Hillenius wrote:

That's what I did in the first version(s) of Include. There were
issues with it, which I unfortunately forgot. I never use this
component myself, but if you have good ideas in the form of patches,
I'd be happy to look at them.


On 3/29/06, Nili Adoram <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Is there an option to use utilize wicket Include without opening a new
I would like to include the contents of a URL like
RequestDispatcher.include() does, directly into a wicket component.

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