The wicket-auth-roles-examples project depenends on project
wicket-auth-roles. Maybe that's what you are missing. You don't need
that project to implement authorization with Wicket, as the core
support is in the wicket package, but it includes a convenient role
based implementation.


On 4/3/06, Michael Hosier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm trying to migrate my Wicket app to 1.2-beta3.  Since checkAccess
> is deprecated I'm looking into refactoring my authentication.  I'm
> looking at the auth-roles sign in example.  The classes extend
> classes from the wicket.authentication package but I can't seem to
> find the classes from that package anywhere.  I have downloaded both
> core wicket-1.2-beta3 and the extensions bundle.  Seems like I am
> missing something big, and I couldn't find any info on the migration
> page other than to look at the auth-roles example, which I am doing.
> Thanks,
> Michael
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