Hi All,

With one page I'm displaying a matrix of numbers and I have a problem updating/refreshing it. I roughly understand why it doesn't work, but I don't know what the best/correct way to make it work is.

Basically I have a ListView of rows and the last column in each row is in turn a ListView creating more columns to the right. That final ListView is implemented with the code you can see below.

How was I supposed to have done this to have updating/refreshing happen as automagically as possible?

(I'm using Wicket 1.1.1)


ListView tmpCorrList = new ListView(ID_CORRELATIONS, tmpInstrument.getCorrelations()) {

        BigDecimal tmpCoefficient;

        public void populateItem(final ListItem anItem) {

        tmpCoefficient = (BigDecimal) anItem.getModelObject();

        anItem.add(new Label(ID_COEFFICIENT, tmpCoefficient.toString()));


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