It seems that it wants the jasper libs too (jasper-runtime-x.jar and
probably jasper-compiler-x.jar).


On 4/4/06, Scott Swank <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I just downloaded the beta3 wicket-examples and created a new Java
> project for it in Eclipse 3.1.  When I try to run StartExamples I
> receive the following -- which is rather odd since this jar
> (org.mortbay.jetty-4.2.24.jar) is visible under project properties:
> Java Build Path > Libraries.  Have I just mucked up some dumb detail
> in my Eclipse project this time around?
> 15:09:19.862 EVENT  Started SocketListener on
> FATAL - StartExamples              - Could not start the Jetty server:
> org.mortbay.util.MultiException[java.lang.ClassNotFoundException:
> org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServlet]
> 15:09:19.862 EVENT  Stopping Acceptor
> ServerSocket[addr=,port=0,localport=8080]
> 15:09:20.815 EVENT  Stopped SocketListener on
> 15:09:20.815 EVENT  invoker: destroy
> 15:09:20.815 EVENT  default: destroy
> 15:09:20.815 EVENT  Stopped
> WebApplicationContext[/wicket-examples,Wicket Examples]
> 15:09:20.815 EVENT  Stopped [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> --
> Scott Swank
> reformed mathematician
> -------------------------------------------------------
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> Wicket-user mailing list

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