im not aware of anything in extensions, yet. doesnt mean you cant write it and contribute it :)

imho, the coolest looking drop down ive seen is this one:

from here:

this particular one is old school and is configured through a lot of _javascript_ - but thats ok because you can get wicket to write it for you.

we've been throwing an idea in ##wicket to build  a good menu system for wicket-extensions. essentially the idea is to create a generic way to define a menu through a tree like structure, and then have a few adapters working off that structure. an adapter would take care of actually rendering the menu, so you can swap out implementations for different drop down js libraries quickly.

i think the consensus was that none of us have enough time nor an immediate need right now, but maybe you can get the ball rolling.


On 4/6/06, Stefan Lindner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Does anybody on the list know of a good drop down menu bar component
that can be easily embedded into a wicket page? Does anybody work on
such a menu bar for wicket extensions?

Stefan Lindner

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