I think it is possible, but as you can read from Martijn's reply and
the issue I created for this just today, not for this release, as it
means an API break.

See (and track)


On 4/11/06, Michael Day <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Apr 11, 2006, at 6:40 PM, Nathan Hamblen wrote:
> > It looks like Wicket is doing all the right things. I don't think it
> > should try too hard to avoid generating a session for bookmarkable
> > links
> > cause the googlebot could always find those same links after it has
> > created a session elsewhere, muddying things just as much.
> Not really - the correct action would be to use a robots.txt to
> prevent the spider from going to pages which require a session in the
> first place.
> > Instead, search conscious sites (and what big site isn't?) should just
> > disable url rewriting in a WebRequest subclass. Users without cookies,
> > and Google, will still be able to browse the non-interactive parts of
> > the site through bookmarkable urls. You'd have to hack essential
> > (search) forms, but that's no harder than doing the same form in a
> > caveman framework. Then you'd customize the session expired page to
> > explain that cookies are required for interactivity.
> Okay, but I don't think you should require cookies just because you
> want to be search-engine friendly.  URL rewriting is a great and
> useful feature.  I don't see why we should give it up if we don't
> have to.
> The question is really whether it is *possible* for wicket to defer
> creating a session.  If it is possible, then let's defer it.  If not,
> then we have no choice but to use workarounds like this.  But let's
> be realistic - these *are* workarounds.
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