I can't speak for Igor - though we have talked about that too - but
for my opion see e.g.

Basically, I think continuations are a smart idea, and they might be
useful for wizard/ flow type applications. That said, I also think
they are very procedural, whereas Wicket tries to be the object
oriented framework of the bunch. Thus in that respect I think it
wouldn't be a match for Wicket. Rife does seem to do some smart
optimizations, (though imo, your 'code beauty' suffers from that), but
mind you that Wicket allows for very fancy state optimizations as

So, I'm not pro continuations in Wicket at this point, except for the
ajax optimization with Jetty, which will probably be implemented
transparently. However, if other people do think it is a useful
addition, I think most or all of the core comitters would welcome such
a project as a wicket-stuff project. Geert has done the extra effort
of ensuring his continutation API can be used without RIFE, so that's
certainly an option (I think, because I never seriously thought about
how this would/ should be integrated in Wicket).

My 2c,


On 4/14/06, Timo Stamm <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Igor,
> do you know RIFE/Continuations? It uses continuations for better state
> handling and control flow instead of better performance.
> There are some examples in this slide (pages 5 to 8):
> https://www.dev.java.net/files/documents/204/3120/rife_fosdem_2004.pdf
> It really looks like an interesting concept. You could keep complicated
> flow control for business-logic at one place.
> It changes the bytecode using ASM, but if it's done properly, I don't care.
> Timo
> Igor Vaynberg schrieb:
> > well, at some point the server calls will start returning right? and so
> > xmlhttprequest objects will start being reused. it will consume memory to a
> > certain point and then stop. if you ask me 100ms for an ajax update is
> > unreasonable anyways, this is what jetty 6 continuations are for which would
> > be relatively simple to integrate into wicket as an alternative for ajax
> > self updating behaviors.
> >
> > -Igor
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