Hi all,

As you might have noticed, we implemented some default validator
messages (Application.properties). We currently have that in languages
English (default), Chinese (zh_TW), German (de) and Dutch (nl).

It would be great if your language is not in that list, you could
contribute it. At the end of this email, I  included the English
contents. Please contribute by either responding to this email, or -
the preferred way - to add your file to



RequiredValidator=field '${label}' is required.
TypeValidator='${input}' is not a valid ${type}.

NumberValidator.range=${input} must be between ${minimum} and ${maximum}.
NumberValidator.minimum='${input}' must be greater than ${minimum}.
NumberValidator.maximum='${input}' must be smaller than ${maximum}.

StringValidator.range='${input}' must be between ${minimum} and
${maximum} chars.
StringValidator.minimum='${input}' must be at least ${mimimum} chars.
StringValidator.maximum='${input}' must be at most ${maximum} chars.

DateValidator.range='${input}' must be between ${minimum} and ${maximum}.
DateValidator.minimum='${input}' must be greater than ${minimum}.
DateValidator.maximum='${input}' must be smaller than ${maximum}.

PatternValidator='${input}' does not match pattern '${pattern}'
EmailAddressPatternValidator='${input}' is not a valid email address.

EqualInputValidator='${input0}' from ${label0} and '${input1}' from
${label1} must be equal.

null=Choose One

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