I created 

Thanks for spotting it.


On 4/18/06, Sebastian Scheid <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I use Wicket 1.2-rc1.
> > I use FormComponentFeedbackBorder, but when input error is occured, "*" is
> > not output.
> > How has meens been changed?
> Hi,
> I am trying Wicket for a few days now and wanted to use
> FormComponentFeedbackBorder, too. I encountered the same problem with
> 1.2beta3 and 1.2RC1. To reproduce the error, go to the
> wicket-example/library EditPage and try to submit the form with an empty
> textfield for title. You get the feedback messages at the top but no
> asterisk next to the textfield.
> It does work with wicket-examples-1.1.1.
> When stepping through the code I recognized that
> ContainerFeedbackMessageFilter#accept(FeedbackMessage) fails and filters the
> correct message out. So the FeedbackBorder never gets any message.
> The accept method calls the deprecated method
> Component#isAncestorOf(Component) which calls
> Component#getParent().contains(component, false) as the @deprecated doc
> states. I am really not familiar with wicket's internals but that doesn't
> make sense in my eyes. Calling parent.getParent().contains(child, false)
> returns true if child is a sibling of parent instead of a child (which
> isAncestorOf is standing for, isn't it?)
> Perhaps parent.isAncestorOf(child) should be replaced with
> parent.getParent().contains(child, true) which works recursive (note the
> true) or simply with parent.contains(child, false/true).
> Regards
> Sebastian
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